Henry E. Bergdorf
American Legion Post #155, Inc
Oldtown, ID
Henry E. Bergdorf
American Legion Post #155, Inc
Oldtown, ID
Henry E. Bergdorf
American Legion Post #155, Inc
Oldtown, ID
Henry E. Bergdorf
American Legion Post #155, Inc
Oldtown, ID
The American Legion offers many opportunities for veterans to continue serving. Become part of the nation’s largest veterans service organization today.
Families and children in need, youth mentoring, veterans assistance and advocacy from the local community to Capitol Hill.
Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month at 10:30 AM at the Oldtown Visitor Center in the Rotary Park Building, 68 Old Diamond Rd. Oldtown, ID (across from Ace Hardware and Albeni Lumber).
Village Kitchen, Priest River
Family welcome!
Village Kitchen, Priest River
Old town Visitors Center (Rotary Park) Oldtown
Old town Visitors Center (Rotary Park) Oldtown
The monthly meetings are open to all veterans and we would love to see you.
Andy Meyer, Commander 661-609-0197
Andrew "Andy" Meyer, Commander 661-609-0197 ridogtags@yahoo.com
Burt Fraley. First Vice 206-999-7787 burtondriggs@hotmail.com
Bill Christman, Second Vice 208-437-3937 billychristman51@gmail.com
Andrew "Andy" Meyer, Adjutant 661-609-0197 ridogtags@yahoo.com
John Allison, Financial Officer 509-671-4387 jdallison@yahoo.com
Chris Potter, Sgt. at Arms 831-295-9111 crsp54@gmail.com
Dana Bradfute, Chaplain 817-313-1223 dana.bradfute@yahoo.com
Dennis Larsen, Historian 208-448-1953 ole2@frontier.com
Copyright © 2020 Henry E. Bergdorf American Legion Post 155, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.